Sunday, November 27, 2011

I love a frisky boy!!!

Thought I would take a few moments (from painting)
and catch you up with whats going on in the studio.

Its funny...I'm working really hard at this art thing.
I sold 9 paintings yesterday and it's the most paintings I've sold in one day, outside of a show. Some were sold from a gallery and some were sold from my Etsy site.
Either way I was super the same time I was also really proud of myself.

Like I said...I've been working really hard.

So...I was asked what it is that I think I've been doing differently to inspire
the sales. As you know if you read my blog..I've recently relocated. One of the reasons why I thought it was important to relocate was to see if the energy of my artwork and of Talula Love Bottoms is still real and powerful outside of the comfort of my friends and family. I don't know a whole lot of people here and I don't really do much but paint and shamelessly self promote.

However, I realized a few things recently that have spurred my ability to be successful. 1. I feel pretty comfortable in my work. I can paint anything. I am gifted in that...however the process I use for my work is very challenging for me because it causes me to have to practice limitations, time frames and minimalism.

You have no idea how much I want to sink into a 10 day oil painting that is 10 feet x 10 feet and extreme. I want it so bad...but right now; my focus is the business end of my work; which involves a recession style art sales technique focused on allowing people to understand and experience the energy of art in difficult times.

I've also fallen in love. I am completely, thrown off the roof in love!!!!

With a stray cat that has a massive head wound. I named him Head-wound Harry.
It is a self inflicted head-wound as he has ear mites that I believe are driving him completely insane. But despite the gashed, gaping, gooing wound....we seem to be compatible and committed. He follows me around like any new beau should.
He's not a fan of the yellow burdock root I try to eye drop into his ears...but we are coming to terms with who's the boss here. lol. He has these blue eyes that melt me and he bites me when I pet him...I love a frisky boy!!!

Harry and I have been spending our days in the studio, enjoying inspiration...pulling from the ideas that originally created and allowed Talula to
evolve. Working on a new surf, flag series. I'm enjoying this because its allowing me to pull together a few of the repeated themes I like to use in my work such as shantys, celebrations, words, and we'll see...It's coming together quite nicely.

I haven't been listening to a whole lot these past few days but I will give a shout out to the She & Him Christmas Album. A Very She and Him Christmas! LOVE it!!!!

Not that I celebrate this thing called Christmas but music is my life so I need to take it in seasonally as well.

Cheers to you and yours me and mine.

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