Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Steam punk and a latte please oh...and $200 to buy this art for Talula. Thanks.

Artwork by Jason Strutz

I want this I want this I want this I want this I want this I want this

Every now and again and artwork gets inside my skin. As soon I saw this artwork it sucked me into its soul. I must find a way to own being the original.

It tells my story.
The animals are in control.
Fearless adventure.

Heart in ropes. Tide down. Not available.

So, there's this great gallery cafe around town called Davenport & Winkleperry. Is one of those places that you walk into and it's an ahhhhhh ha! moment. Progressive. Edgy. Unique. Has instant presence...performance art and really good energy. Check out the website and like it on facebook. Some of the best art I've seen in a long time. Lot's of steam punk and arms...clocks and, art night, knitting night, music, name it is the fun house of fun houses. It makes me excited about being here and being active and present in my work. Being inspired by others is so important to me that I'm stoked to promote this fine establishment and as soon as I have an extra $200.00 I will be a paying patron...until then I have to find out a way to sabotage anyone else from purchasing this piece. It's Chaos and Orange behind the wheel. So in love with it!!!!! Thank you Jason for being an amazing artist!!!

Some links to visit:

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